How to move project credits

How to move project credits from your project to your account and vice versa.

Just a heads up, moving project credits around isn't permanent but please don't do it too often as it can overwhelm our database with requests and rate-limit it for the day. If we find out it was you this will result in a warn on your account.

Step 1: Selecting the project

Head on over to your projects (if you've just created an account you get 500 free credits), if you haven't already create a project by pressing the "Create a new project" button at the top, then name it whatever. Find your project name and click on the button that says "Transfer project credits".

Step 2: Transferring the project credits

At the top of the popup you will see a button saying "Transfer credits to the project", this will transfer the credits from your account over to the project, clicking this will reverse that operation. In the box below that type the amount you would like to transfer (it wont work if you don't have enough to complete that transfer), then hit "Transfer credits" and you're done!

Last updated